How to deal with body Image and self-Esteem struggles during self-isolation

July 07, 2020

What I Wore ♻️👇🏻
Lita bikini - Fishnet style high waisted made by lespoirdemavie

Taking time away from the outside world has impacted our working environment, social interactions and our mental health. Like many, I’ve had highs and lows during this ordeal. Some days I feel a sense of accomplishment as I’ve scheduled in time to exercise, and I’ve spent the time creating content. While on other days, I just want to chill out in my loungewear and watch some documentaries on Netflix. 

I understand that this situation has challenged us all emotionally and has caused to overthink about things that doesn’t matter, for example, what we see in the mirror. In the past, I let the peer pressure of social media and beauty standards question how I should look, but now I’m in a place where I’ve accepted my body, and I’m proud of how far I’ve come. During self-isolation, I made sure that I focused on my health and well-being as it has helped control my anxiety and help has allowed me to gain self-confidence. It allowed me to become more outspoken and educate others about body diversity as I never had an influential person in my teenage and young adult life to look up too when I was struggling with body image. 

So, I wanted to remind you all that self-care is important and that you need to remind yourself of your self-worth. Don’t compare yourself to others and remember that having curves, body scars and cellulite is perfect natural.

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