Amy Pham
is an LA-based DJ, TV/ Internet Presenter, and Model who is well know for her
unique sense of style. Pham’s
interpretation on the latest SS15 trends reflects on her fashion admiration of
minimal silhouettes and neutral tones such as ‘white’.
Through her Instagram account @iamamypham she posts her latest juxtaposed inspired outfit snaps and video style guides on Toutube . On the hit fashion and music channel 'The Platform' Amy Pham explains how easy it is to create an effortless edgy outfit with a simple monochrome colour palette. Following the high fashion routes of the black and white colour scheme . Amy Pham guides her viewers on street style and music inspiration can help you transform this chic and tailored trend into effortless day time or evening looks .
Key SS15 trends - Long line blazers, Ripped jeans , Cut out heels and boots, Pure white lace, Relax day time jerseys , Festival band t's and of course the signature leather jacket which helps you become the ultimate rock chic.
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