“Don't forget to fall in your love first ” ~ Carrie Bradshaw
I was once a very niave teenager . I wanted a boyfriend more than anything. I never stopped to wonder why, I just wanted it. Maybe it was because my friends were in long term relationships and I was jealous or that I was fed up of being friend zoned by every guy I met .
Saying I wanted a boyfriend had a very clear underlying message- I wanted to experience real love and have someone there to make me feel good about myself when I didn’t. During the course of my previous relationship my moods were totally contingent upon the way he made me feel and respected me. And when things got intense I would act like things were fine , when they were not as I wasn't happy.
After this relationship ended, I truly learned the value of loving myself, and I found that with my newfound freedom, I embraced a new chapter in my life which inspired me to become a stronger and more independent person.
My motivation for this post came the other day after watching final episode of Sex in the City : An American girl in Paris . One scene in particular struct out to me , it wasn't when she was reuinted with Mr Big ( spoiler .. sorry!) it was when Carrie was honest about what she wanted.
"I am someone who is looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love. And I don't think that love is here, in this expensive suite, in this lovely hotel, in Paris.”
While these insights aren’t anything new to the ways we perceive relationships. I felt like I needed to share my dispute with Cupid and my journey to self discovery.
We’ve all been told that before you enter the world of dating , it is essential to love yourself. But how does one conjure up such love?
I have faced my fair share of insecurity and self-doubt but those questionable periods of my past have allowed me to evolve into someone who is optimistic and aims to inspire others to feel confident in every way possible. I'll be honest with you this new outlook on life didn’t magically happen over night, it took some work and a change of attitude which was done using these tips listed below.
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